From the Joseph Naik Vaz Institute

The Joseph Naik Vaz Institute celebrates its 40th year in existence this year.
Goas first native saint, Saint Joseph Vaz, was canonized in January 2015, thanks largely to the grassroots movement of the many devotees and admirers of St. Joseph Vaz who showed their support for his Beatification and Canonization through Masses, events, publicity, and Petitions to the Pope that we helped to organize. Saint Vaz is currently the Patron Saint of the archdiocese of Goa and Daman. The Institute continues to promote the admirable life of Saint Vaz as a model of priestly life, his inter-faith and secular work among various communities, and his outreach to those in need.

The Institute invites everyone to volunteer and serve the needy in their local communities, to help the homeless and disadvantaged, and to work on todays social justice issues like environmental protection, housing, health care, etc. During this special 40th year of the Institute, we are pleased that our Board Member, George Pinto, has been invited to work on children’s issues and to attend a conference hosted by the King of Jordan next month. There are many other social justice issues which people can work on based on their own interests and shine a light on the work on Saint Vaz.

For more information please email us at [email protected]
Thank you.
Joseph Naik Vaz Institute